Saturday, January 29, 2011


Right now, I should be going to katips because its gonna be a hell of a traffic in a meanwhile. But heck, i don't want to be the first one greeting the birthday dude. Yun nga lang pahirapan na lang sa parking. Haha. Oh yeah, i was just eating popcorn a while ago that my sister cooked and shared with me. Thanks for that sister. I wonder how long will that traffic be in banaple. "Why you buy so much cakes!" :| that's one of my assumptions that cake lovers cause the biggest part of traffic in Katipunan ext., which is somehow true. I wonder what will be served first. Beer or food? Shots or desserts? Who cares? :) As long as we celebrate this awesome 21st birthday of my friend, that'd be a blast.


Baby, I'm sorry if i wasn't able to text you today. It's hard to find sun cards today. :| I miss you. :)

I'm gonna leave in a while and look for different routes that doesn't lead to too much traffic.



  1. Impossible. Traffic is inevitable in QC men. Have fun!!!

    Hey, what's the flavor of your popcorn? :))

  2. Hi Nat! :D Ggrad na raw kayo ah :) umm, i had mine plain and salted. :)) Nakakaiyak ang traffic sa arreneo

  3. damn you. ain't following me? haha. just saw this one.
