Monday, December 27, 2010

In these small hours.

   I thought of writing this down a few days ago but, i figure out that there's a lot to happen these holidays. Before anything else, i wonder how my friends are doing right now because i'm starting to miss them especially when we get to do a lot of crazy stuff together. And also, for my girlfriend who i am really missing a lot (that is why i kept on calling you a lot of times. lol.). For those who made this holidays extra special, i bid you all the best and just keep on doing crazy stuff.

And here we go,

    I kept on thinking how things would go these past couple of days, whether or not it would go as planned or maybe something else. Sometimes we get to have this notion that if we just patch ourselves together maybe, we would find ourselves coherent to what we do. This i find myself stupid to believe in. Judging by what i do, i'm pretty messed up in a sense that i don't find a clear cut on what i'd do next. I don't feel obliged by someone who keeps on telling me what should i do next. Maybe, i'm just really stubborn, a part of me which keeps me running for something. And to ask where it leads, i don't know. If i'm going too fast, i would need to slow down a little bit. No, this is wrong. Haha. I should definitely take the pace on how long this road is gonna be. So much for incoherence, i'd like to tell you about what happened this holiday season.

  Before Christmas, i missed my girlfriend and asked her if we could go on a date. I was lucky to know that she had the time so, we were supposed to have it on a lunchtime. Sad to say, there were a lot of errands running and  it was inevitable for me to comply. *sigh* society, haha kidding. So we just scheduled it as a meriendate instead at Trinoma. It was all good since we get to bond even for the little time that has been given to us. I even played drums for here at timezone, which i sucked most of the time (I really lacked practice. tsk tsk.) but yeah, it was our first and special date that we shared together.

  The Christmas carols and all that merry-making nearly caught me off guard as i ate and drank as if there was no tomorrow. Cheers to that. I couldn't have imagine that even though you got almost everything, you still end up somewhat empty in one way or another. Simply put, there's a lot of things that i really need right now that isn't quantified by money or by what society dictates.

 I heard a lot of good songs over the holidays and i think they're worth to listen to. It somehow brings back good old memories that makes me smile a lot even though i don't know why.

Too much for your own good isn't good for you at all.

With less, you will obtain what you really need.

I'm looking forward to smiles and frowns this coming year. Who knows, we might get farther driving ourselves for a much better destination.


All you got is this, and if you ain't gonna hack it, then you should think twice.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Just for a bit.

   Apparently, today is just like any other. Well, maybe not. This is the first and last day of my final exam, which i think somehow  i would make through. Just before my test, it was hectic, sporadic, so to speak. I didn't study a cinch during the day fearing that i might get a mental block. As i departed my house and went for school, there were a lot of roadblocks along the way (both literal and figurative), having myself  blanked out on what to do next. I got to school and went on to take the exam, which still somehow affects me as of this moment. Some of it that i didn't get to review actually appeared on the paper. I was beating the crap out of myself mentally hoping that i might write something useful on the booklet. Honestly, i wasn't the best when it comes to math. Ironically, i do love it a lot. Somewhere over this thick skull of mine, i'm pretty certain that even though i wasn't an A-student, i'm pretty much attuned to my basic arithmetic. Well enough of myself. Even days before everything else was gonna end, i planned out to go to Chinatown some of these days. We actually did. Actually, Kyle and Hazel went to school so we could meet up and go to Binondo after my test. I could've had ourselves ride the LRT, but yeah, we rode the jeep instead. It was pretty noisy and traffic was all over on the way to lunch. Eventually, after departing from Carriedo, we took a long hike to the Ark of Goodwill in Binondo. I wasn't familiar of the place, but i'm pretty sure it isn't that far from the train station. After a few leads from the good people of China town, we finally arrived at La Zhou Lamien just in time for lunch. The food was great, there was entertainment provided by the noodle-cutting chef guy and there was tea to boil it down. Churches and weird places, i think those were the highlights of the trip. After Binondo, we went to Hidalgo to check out old cameras and do a little window shopping (more for me). There was a lot of stuff going there, people selling food and tiangge clothes in almost every directon of that place. To end the day, we went to Quiapo church to cool ourselves because it's much cooler inside. After that, we went inside the SM outlet store because we were longing for a much cooler place. I told Kel and Hazel that i loved Kesha's new song, well i really do. Thanks for posting that one Kel :-bd

   After that trip, i went on the day by meeting up with my buddy in high school at Katips. Damn, it's only been 3 months since we last hung out. Nah, it felt like 6 months since there were a lot of stories and plans to talk about during this evening. We went for a drinking pub near Ateneo, so it is called "Drew's". There were a lot of people that time, mostly college students from the universities/colleges along katips. I guess they're pretty much having fun as much as we do. We're not only swapping stories on how things go for the past couple of months, but, we made sure that this is gonna be the time that we'd make up as buddies.

   The ride way to home was hell because there isn't any jeep or taxi that can get us home for that moment. I guess, if it wasn't for those late maintenance checks by MW, it shouldn't have taken us an hour just to get by a regular 10-min traffic. Our legs were somewhat beat since we had walked a couple of miles from Ateneo up to Anonas.

 The next thing that we're gonna push this Friday hopefully goes well.

Friday, December 10, 2010

First time at the blogger.

Hi. This is the second time that I'd be using blogs to write about stuff. The first thing that comes up to my mind right now is food. Apparently, we had our finals in our law subject a while ago and it wasn't that hard to begin with. I guess it really does pay to read news because a lot of the questions from the test are about taxes, economics, law and basic info on whatever is going right now. Oh yeah, food. I guess that could wait for a while. The traffic a while ago was terrible. It doesn't matter where you go because in all direction it's clogged with all sorts of vehicles. I guess it's because of the late Christmas shopping that a lot of people are busy with. Fuck. There was one thing in my head that kept on asking me, what would happen if things gone bad. I mean, what if things screw up and it would fuck up everything that I've worked for. Imagine, by not asking myself this question, i would've kept myself believing in something that is safe and completely boxed up. Well, that isn't that how things are, the truth isn't sweet as always. We just have to suck it up and take whatever it is right now. Move, because motion creates emotion. Act as if nothing is there to bother you. And i guess, that would pretty much keep us intact for the rest of our fucking lives.