Friday, December 10, 2010

First time at the blogger.

Hi. This is the second time that I'd be using blogs to write about stuff. The first thing that comes up to my mind right now is food. Apparently, we had our finals in our law subject a while ago and it wasn't that hard to begin with. I guess it really does pay to read news because a lot of the questions from the test are about taxes, economics, law and basic info on whatever is going right now. Oh yeah, food. I guess that could wait for a while. The traffic a while ago was terrible. It doesn't matter where you go because in all direction it's clogged with all sorts of vehicles. I guess it's because of the late Christmas shopping that a lot of people are busy with. Fuck. There was one thing in my head that kept on asking me, what would happen if things gone bad. I mean, what if things screw up and it would fuck up everything that I've worked for. Imagine, by not asking myself this question, i would've kept myself believing in something that is safe and completely boxed up. Well, that isn't that how things are, the truth isn't sweet as always. We just have to suck it up and take whatever it is right now. Move, because motion creates emotion. Act as if nothing is there to bother you. And i guess, that would pretty much keep us intact for the rest of our fucking lives.

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